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small, semi-independent warrior bands singular of fianna singular of fianna member of a fian singular of fianna king fénnid small, semi-independent warrior bands small, semi-independent warrior bands King King Go to the first page Go to the first page Page 2

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For a text narrative of the page:

Panel 1, scene: inside a shuttle. narrative: Fianna The Fianna are landless warriors who form bands, or squads, called fians. The members of a fian are called fénnid and the leader of a fian is a rig fénnid. (literally 'king fénnid')

Panel 2, scene: shuttle in space with a planet in the background. narrative: Fians can vary in size from half dozen to a dozen or more, they grow or shrink depending on the needs of a particular mission.

Panel 3, scene: different view inside shuttle. narrative: The Fianna typically serve a king, or Rí. They serve their Rí in many capacities: warriors, bounty hunters, spies and more ...

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